Free Trial Classes

Upon receiving your request for registieation,we will get touch with you to set a time as to when can you take your free trial class.

24/7 Flexible Schedule

On demand class timings are given.
Student can pick time of the class according to his/her convenience.

One-To-One Classes

1 – on – 1 live Quran class.
Personal Quran teacher deals with individual student in the class.
Complete attention is given on single student


There is no registration fee to get registered.
Free trial session before regular Quran classes.
A small monthly fee with NO long term contract.

Female Tutors

Qualified female Quran teachers are also available for ladies and girls.
Students who feel comfortable with female teachers can learn Quran with more comfort.

Anywhere,Any Device

Now Learn Quran online is very easy. you just keep a high speed internet connection and a mobile or laptop.With our flexible schedule, you can learn Quran anytime and from anywhere. Our goal is to make Quranic education accessible To every Muslim.